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Life Lessons: The Lord's Servant (Mary)

Reading: Luke 1:26-45

I think what has always amazed me the most about Mary’s story was her willingness to step into the unknown and definitely the dangerous, with boldness and certainty. Have you ever had a moment with the Lord that seemed too unbelievable to be true? Maybe you’ve been led somewhere completely outside of your comfort zone or maybe you’ve been given the opportunity to speak your testimony over a large group of people but you're actually terrified of public speaking? The Lord is not in the business of making us comfortable for our sakes but never in my three plus decades have I ever had a moment like Mary did. 

Can you imagine how overwhelming and unsure she must have felt? Yet, she chose to believe what was spoken to her. I’m not sure I would have been compliant so quickly and definitely not without a few questions for good, old Gabriel. Mary only had ONE, for which the answer was even more confusing and yet she took him at his word and trusted that God had a plan. What would you have done? The Christian life calls for boldness and the understanding that our life is not our own. Mary refers to herself as “the Lord’s servant” and so are we that have been bought with a price. 

I think my favorite verse in the passage comes at the end when Mary is visiting her cousin, Elizabeth. Verse 45 says, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!” Can that be said of you? What promises have you had from the Father and do you believe they will come true? If I’m honest, it depends on the day and my emotions. Satan is so good at convincing us that because something hasn’t happened in the timeframe we want that it means it will never happen or that because we can't see God working, He isn't. He’s also great at convincing us that we misunderstood God because His plan doesn't seem logical. Afterall, isn’t that exactly what he did with Eve? I've found in my faith journey that logic rarely has any place in the plans of God... He's too creative and big for that.

Yet, I struggle because often logical feels secure and safe which it isn't if it's outside of God's will so I have verse 45 printed out and taped to my desk because it’s a beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness in spite of my uncertainty. You can trust the Father even when you don’t understand Him. 

For all her incredible faith, Mary was still human and I have no doubt that in those nine months, and truthfully the next thirty-three years, she probably had some questions and uncertainties but ultimately she trusted the Father and was a faithful servant. I pray that we can live lives with a similar character. 

Today’s Prayer

Thank you Father that you are faithful to fulfill Your promises even today. Thank you that Your willingness to move greatly in my life is not contingent on my understanding every piece of the puzzle. Please give me the boldness to step into what You have called me to as a servant of the Lord. 


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