Life Lessons: Blessings Beyond Measure (Sarah)

Reading: Genesis 17
Chapter 16 ends in a dark place for Sarai. Her scheming didn’t solve her problem as she thought but rather it created even more desperation and reminded her of what she desperately craved. This pain wasn’t part of God’s plan nor was the family discord that continues because of her initial decision. However, luckily for Sarai, and us, God’s faithfulness is not dependent on us being perfect or not messing up. God’s character is dependent on God so go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief.
Chapter 17 opens with God reminding Abram of the previous promise and taking it a step further by creating what we know as the Abrahamic Covenant. This covenant included Sarai, in spite of the past. God promised Abraham descendants and blessings which came with a name change for him, Abraham. Sarai was just as much a part of this moment with her own name change. No longer Sarai but Sarah. This Sarah had her own promise and it was beyond what she thought to ask. If you look throughout scripture you find that God answers prayers beyond anything you could possibly think to dream of at the time.
Ruth wanted to scrap out a living on Boaz’s estate but God saw her as the lady of the household. Esther wanted to save her people from destruction but God saw her in the lineage of the one that would save all people from ultimate destruction. And Sarah just wanted a child but God saw her as the mother of nations. Sometimes, we ask so little because we can’t truly grasp all that God wants to give us. John 13:7 reminds us that we can’t possibly comprehend all the Lord has in store for us but that doesn’t make it untrue and that can be a scary place. Are you brave enough to ask the Lord to do beyond what you can dream?
Today’s Prayer
Father, I’m sorry I try to limit You or put You in a box. I’m sorry that I would be satisfied with the crumbs of this world when You offer me a banquet. Please make me brave and bold as I come before You. Help my unbelief and thank you for all the blessings I don’t deserve but You have so graciously given.