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Goodbye 2024!

As 2024 comes to a close it might be the hardest year for me to reflect on in a long time. This year contained some of the biggest frustrations and disappointments of my life while also holding so many moments of joy and personal pride. I couldn't claim that this was a really good year, though I've had so many awesome things happen, and yet, it definitely wasn't a bad year even though I had many moments of sadness and fear. I guess that's why reflecting is difficult... I'm neutral in a way or maybe unprocessed?

Actually, in a recent episode of Hey Y'all: The Podcast we did a reflection of sorts on 2024 where a great question was asked, "What word would sum up your year?" Now obviously it would be cheating to make it our words of the year so I had to think long and hard. I finally came to the conclusion that the best way to sum up this past year is "prelude" which can be defined as "an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important" or "a musical section or movement introducing the theme or chief subject". Yep, that's it. That's my year I believe.

In spite of all it has held or actually because of it, 2024 has served as a prelude to 2025 and the rest of my life. I think that's why I feel out of sorts. I can see so much that the Lord has put into motion but it isn't here just yet, however, there are many bits of my current season that are clearly coming to a close so I feel a bit in limbo which is exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time. And unlike an opera where you have a general idea of what the prelude is for based on what you purchased tickets for, I don't have a clue what this is a prelude for outside of what the Father is doing so I guess I will sit quietly in my seat with expectation for what the next "act" will hold while trusting that the grand Producer has it all figured out and the curtain will be rising soon.


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