Light for January

1 Samuel 12:16 “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!”
I really wanted to start off my year by memorizing a verse that spoke to the fresh start and excitement that a new year brings us. I’ve also been overwhelmed by the amazing work the Lord has done in my life over the last year and I know He has some amazing things in store for 2020 so this verse from 1 Samuel seemed like a great place to start. Also, the Lord gave me Isaiah 60:22 as my verse for 2020 and this seems to go along with the sentiments and truths of this verse.
Now, as far as context, this verse comes out of a passage titled “Samuel’s Farewell Speech” that comes after Samuel anointed Saul as king. In the context of the passage, verse 16 is actually part of a condemnation for the sins of the people. Condemnation for how they strayed, how they didn’t trust God and how, even at that moment, they so desperately wanted a king. Samuel uses his last moments as leader to remind the people how faithful God has been and to warn them of making the same mistakes again.
This command from Samuel of “stand still and see” comes with a sign from God and the people DO see the great thing the Lord does and they are amazed! I think we so often forget that the Lord is still in the business of doing amazing things so we don’t expect them and often when they happen we don’t recognize who it’s from in the first place. The funny thing is when I looked up this verse in my Bible to read the context I realized I had already circled it so this isn’t the first time it has spoken to me and obviously the Lord isn’t done teaching me through it.
So, as we start this new year, let’s work to be still and truly look for the great things the Lord is going to do for us and not just look for them but expect Him to amaze us!