New Year, New Books #23: The Way I Heard it by Mike Rowe

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First let me say, I love Mike Rowe! Since the first time I saw “Dirty Jobs” I knew he was a star. He is a true renaissance man with a clever sense of humor and he understands the beauty of comedic timing. All of this becomes impeccably clear in “The Way I Heard It”.
This book is based on the podcast he currently creates that is somewhat based on the old Paul Harvey concept of “The Rest of the Story…” Paul Harvey was iconic because the stories he told and the way he told them were mesmerizing and Mike is able to do the same through his book. Just as we have all done with Paul Harvey, Mike challenges you to try and guess who he is weaving his tale of intrigue about but what I think makes this book even better is that Mike also connects these stories to his own life. In fact, this book is truly part memoir which I just love. He has definitely lived and interesting life with many lessons learned and you can’t help but be entertained by the colorful way he tells his story and the famous stories in between. In fact, while I definitely laughed, he also made me cry more than once while recounting his journey.
I hazard to describe anymore for fear of ruining some of the surprise of who and what Mike is communicating but let me tell you I think you will truly enjoy all the excitement held within these pages and it is totally worth the read. Perfect for a chilly winter snuggle under the covers with cocoa!